Logo SMK PGRI 2 - Sidoarjo

Vision SMK PGRI 2-Sidoarjo.
Being a top quality lyceum, ungggul in prsestasi primarily based IMTAQ and manufacture graduates World Health Organization will vie at the national and world.
From the on top of vision, the mission developed by SMK PGRI - two Sidoarjo is as follows:

A. Prepare graduates World Health Organization square measure able to work and square measure supported berproduktif IMTAQ and mastering science and technology.
2. Improve normal} of teaching and learning activities of scholars in achieving the national standard of ability
3. Develop the potential of faculties and business nuances will vie at the national level.
4. Develop a faculty operate as a Centre of Integrated vocational training and coaching (PPKT) that offer glorious service to the community.
5. Improve the standard of human resources and quality of student steering in realizing independence IMTAQ and attitudes.
As for further information Activities smk college pgri2 sidoarjo embrace Basketball, Pool, Japanese Language, Arts / Band, Volly Ball, Boy Scouts, Mandarin, Paskibraka, PALA, SKI, PMR, whereas a and for your favorite college within the city of Sidoarjo is an extra provision COURSE which incorporates the web, Typing, Computer, English language, Accounting