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PGRI(Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)

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Logo PGRI(Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)

Logo PGRI(Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)

 Logo PGRI(Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia)

Indonesian social muslim logo



in Indonesia so many kinds of the umbrella organization for its citizens, such as has been seen above, take seuah organization founded by a leader to guide the citizens to keep it running properly with the proper moral order is owned by humans, but in reality many of the organizations diIndonesia contained only seek to profit from the community to support a party that won in a presidential election, or the legislative rulers.
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Many Organization In Indonesia

Aisyah logo color
Aisyiyah as one of the largest religious organization in Indonesia established in Yogyakarta on 27 Rajab 1426 H coincide with the May 19, 1917 by Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan. By the age of a century, which is a component organization of women Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah IT infrastructure has its own style in the social sphere, education, health, and religious who have been the starting point of movement. Aisyiyah organization from time to time continue to develop and deliver benefits to the improvement and advancement of the dignity of Indonesian women. The results are very tangible form of charity is composed of thousands of businesses kindergarten, elementary school, and college students. (

All Indonesia Organization Logo
organization that develops many of them exist in Indonesia and some are owned by the government that does not belong to the government, a government-owned organization is a group or a group of people who are in power and a legal entity which was shaded by the government directly, this is provided by the government to protect and serve the public in full, without any mercy, this organization has been paid by the government and the state should pay for all the needs within the organization

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All Logo Organization download

Indonesia Raya song

Republic of Indonesia Indonesia is the abbreviated RI or country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country consisting of 13 487 islands, the word "Indonesia" is derived from the Latin Indus, meaning "Indian" and nesos Greek word meaning "island".
Indonesia to govern a democratic multiparty presidential republic. As well as in other democratic countries, the political system in Indonesia is based on the Trias Politica namely the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Legislative power is held by an institution called the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). (Http://
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Indonesia Raya song Download

Indonesian social logo

mushollah almuttaqiin
 bakti husad

Organizations (Greek: ὄργανον, Organon - a tool) is a group of people in a container for a common goal. In the social sciences, organizations are studied by researchers from various fields of science, especially sociology, economics, political science, psychology, and management. Study of the organization is often called the study of organizations (organizational studies), organizational behavior (organizational behavior), or analysis of the organization (organization analysis). There are several theories and perspectives on the organization, there is a match with each other, and some are different. Organization is basically used as a place or a place where people come together, work together in a rational and systematic, planned, organized, guided and controlled, in utilizing the resources (money, materials, machines, methods, environment), the means-parasarana, data, etc. are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. (wikipedia)
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download bakti husada logo

Muhammadiyah Islamic organization


Muhammadiyah Islamic organization, characterized by the spirit of building a social order and public education are more advanced and educated. Showing Islam is not just a religion that is personal and static, but dynamic and serves as the system of human life in all its aspects. However, it also shows a tendency to do anything extreme. This makes other Islamic organizations became furious and direction, because it is inconsistent with the way their minds, but in an organization that is not a class of their own thinking and the importance of a road unselfish thought of others who disagree with him, should be in an organization should be studied a specialized knowledge in the field of applied psychology, so that their mutual respect, understanding, and most importantly, act mature

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Indonesian Muslim organization logo

nasyiatul aisyiyah

Indonesian Islamic organizations also have a lot, because most people embraced of Islam so Indonesia Islamic organizations are also very important to guide people to run according to Islamic Shari'a, Islamic organizations in Indonesia largely adopts Ahlussunah waljama'ah, a mindset that take the middle ground between the extremes with the extreme rationalist scripturalists. This stout is also different opinions within an organization, for some Islamic organizations are not only sources of Islamic thought al-Qur'an, the Sunnah, but also use common capability coupled with empirical reality. Such thinking was referred from previous thinkers in theology, sometimes there is also an Islamic organization is different, this is what makes an organization that resides in one religion and one country becomes a lot as it existed in Indonesia is currently

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