Indonesian social logo

mushollah almuttaqiin
 bakti husad

Organizations (Greek: ὄργανον, Organon - a tool) is a group of people in a container for a common goal. In the social sciences, organizations are studied by researchers from various fields of science, especially sociology, economics, political science, psychology, and management. Study of the organization is often called the study of organizations (organizational studies), organizational behavior (organizational behavior), or analysis of the organization (organization analysis). There are several theories and perspectives on the organization, there is a match with each other, and some are different. Organization is basically used as a place or a place where people come together, work together in a rational and systematic, planned, organized, guided and controlled, in utilizing the resources (money, materials, machines, methods, environment), the means-parasarana, data, etc. are used efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. (wikipedia)
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